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[pic]Creative Advertisements

Creative advertisement for a matrimonial website…

The Knot seen on the banner is of the Indian style. usually knot is made between groom and bridegroom in Indian marriages..creative advertisements

Second creative advertisement… just look at the image, everything is destroyed and still the tyres are at the same place…. actually this image is more suitable for the advertisement of fevicol/glue….

creative advertisements

Great Advertisement… which indirectly describes the unity of India.. really awesome!!

creative advertisements

This advertisement shows the girl to boy ratio in India… As per my knowledge Kerala ( A state in India) has the highest sex ratio

creative advertisements

This advertisement describes to plant more trees with religious touch… people of India has cultural heritage of worshipping trees… there are many festivals celebrated in India in which trees are been worshipped

creative advertisements

Really funny one Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

creative advertisements

Snake show advertisement… dont miss it Winking

creative advertisements

After having look at this advertisement… you should quit smoking Tongue

creative advertisements

Now its final i m quitting Big Grin

creative advertisements

Advertisement meant to grow more trees to prevent our beloved Earth

creative advertisements

Another advertisement for the people of India who aborts girl for the sake of boy…

Many orthodox people mainly in India aborts girl … so this one is a social message for the people of India to save GIRL

creative advertisements

Cute one!! HappyBlushing

creative advertisements

creative advertisements

Do you use head & shoulders?? Big Grin

creative advertisements

2 minutes for maggie!! Surprise

creative advertisements

dont drink & drive… its for your safety…… better have a driver Tongue

creative advertisements

Donate eyes… even Aishwariya Rai had donated… y shouldn't we?

creative advertisements

Every child needs a Family!!

creative advertisements


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