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Mumbai High Tide on 23rd July 2009 Pics

On 23rd July Sea waves measuring up to 5.1 meters lashed Mumbai and other places in the Konkan region, flooding homes of people living in the coastal areas here Thursday afternoon, civic officials said. The highest tide in last 100 years — measuring up to 5.5 meters.
The sea water flooded low-lying coastal areas like Cuffe Parade in south Mumbai, Colaba, Worli, Mahim, Khar, Juhu, Versova and Marve, a police official said.

Here are some pictures of that weird and scary sea waves…

Mumbai High Tide Pic1 Mumbai High Tide Pic2 Mumbai High Tide Pic3 Mumbai High Tide Pic4 Mumbai High Tide Pic5 Mumbai High Tide Pic6 Mumbai High Tide Pic7 Mumbai High Tide Pic8


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