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Weird find: Chocolate that doesn't melt

As reported by SUNDAY TIMES, LONDON 

It could be the perfect summer chocolate. Swiss scientists


say they have stumbled upon the formula for a chocolate which doesnt melt in your hands while also being ultra low fat.
The Zurich-based firm Barry Callebaut claims its Vulcano chocolate can withstand heat up to 55C, nearly double the temperature at which normal chocolate melts, while containing 90% fewer calories. Vulcano will be sold as an ingredient to confectionary giants such as Nestle and Cadburys , meaning anti-melt and lowcalorie versions of household brands such as Kit Kat and Dairy Milk could go on sale within two years.
Although the firm is keeping the formula secret, experts believe its scientists may have substituted some cocoa butter which is fatty and melts at about 30C with starch. Previous attempts at creating meltproof chocolates have resulted in unappealing, rockhard bars. Like many great discoveries, our engineers actually stumbled upon the technique by accident , said a spokeswoman for Barry Callebaut, the worlds largest chocolatier. She added that the texture is more crispy than creamy . The firm has dropped clues to the technique by revealing that the chocolate melts as a result of contact with enzymes in saliva, rather than the warmth of our mouths.
Steve Cadwallader, a British food consultant, said that the reaction with enzymes suggests that starches may have been added to the chocolate . The enzymes in saliva act on starch in the same way that they act on bread and cause the food to dissolve and release the fats and flavours , said Cadwallader. Starches would also lead to the crunchy feel

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