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We all know KBC is Good Business.

But have you ever pondered...

How Good....????

Any guesses? Let's see...

Airtel is charging Rs.6/- per SMS sent for this contest.

Assuming there are only 100 entries from say 10 cities of some 20 districts and 20 states...

6(Rs/SMS) x 100(entries) x 10(cities) x 20(districts) x 20(states) = 6

x 100 x 10 x 20 x 20 = Rs.24,00,000

24 lakhs in 20 minutes.

(People trying for the 2 lakhs cash prize)

Imagine what if 1000 entries try out from 100 cities?

The figure simply grows by 2 more zeroes and yields a whopping 24 Crores!!!!

And it does not stop there...

In practice it could be another multiple of 100 or a multiple of 1000 on an average.

In that case it is 24 x 100crores earnings in just 20 minutes on every episode!!!

And the prize money: A mere 2 crore..

(and from whose pocket?)

Smart Business By Siddharth Basu!

And the best part of this calculation is just the SMS earning!!

What about the Ad money?

A rough annual profit calculation goes like this:

2400 x 5 x 4) (episode/month) x 12 = 5,76,000 crores.

Let even 50% get dissolved in taxes and other payments, still you will be left with (which includes even the meagre 480 crores of prize money i.e.if every episode bags 2 crore prize)!

2,88,000-crores profit !!! (only from SMS)

Simple Question:


and your options are---





Computerji iska jawab bataiye....

Ans: All FOUR..!!!!


Now you know why AB gets all emotional when the episodes end...........


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