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Man arrested after liking his poster on Facebook

In a bizarre case, a 23-year-old man in the US was arrested after he liked his own "most wanted" poster on a Facebook page.

Levi Charles Reardon from Montana was arrested after he liked his photo on the Cascade County Crimestoppers Facebook page.

Reardon was arrested without incident on felony charges of forgery in which he is suspected of stealing a wallet and personal cheques, Great Falls Tribune newspaper reported.

The Crimestoppers Facebook page took a screenshot showing Reardon liked his own photo on the Great Falls/Cascade County social media page.

Reardon's name appears under his own "most wanted" mugshot showing that "Levi Charles Reardon likes this" -- a move the Crimestoppers page noticed and circled for the page's other visitors to see.

Reardon made an initial court appearance last week on a USD 2,500 warrant. His arraignment is scheduled for May 7.

According to court records, Reardon is a suspect in a case involving the theft of a wallet and personal cheques last January.

The report says four of the missing cheques were cashed, allegedly by Reardon.

Documents says one of the cheques was cashed at a grocery store after a law enforcement officer contacted Reardon about the missing wallet and that cheques made out to him were reported as fraudulent.


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