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Activist Sheetal Amte passes away

Sheetal Amte, social activist and granddaughter of Baba Amte, dies allegedly by suicide at Anandwan in Chandrapur. 
#SheetalAmte was an Indian public health expert, disability specialist and social entrepreneur. She was Chief Executive Officer and board member of a non-profit organisation, Maharogi Sewa Samiti, which focuses on helping people disadvantaged by leprosy.

#Sheetal Amte was the daughter of Vikas Amte and Bharati Amte, and granddaughter of Murlidhar Devidas Amte, commonly known as #BabaAmte (image above pic courtesy Wikipedia) who established a rehabilitation home for lepers i.e.  people suffering from leprosy in Anandwan, in the state of Maharashtra. #BabaAmte has received numerous awards and prizes including the Padma Vibhushan, the Dr. Ambedkar International Award, the Gandhi Peace Prize, the Ramon Magsaysay Award, the Templeton Prize and the Jamnalal Bajaj Award. He is also known as the modern #Gandhi of India. A great man

#SheetalAmte also established Maharogi Sewa Samiti to run the facilities, which include a range of health care, rehabilitation, education, agriculture, and economic empowerment programmes.

Late social activist Baba Amte’s granddaughter Sheetal Amte-Karajgi died in Maharashtra’s Chandrapur district on Monday, 30 November. She was serving as the CEO of Maharogi Sewa Samiti (Leprosy Services Committee).

The police are probing whether the death was a case of suicide.


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