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Myntra to change it's logo



The E-commerce website Myntra has decided to change its logo after it ran into a controversy. According to a report by India Today, the company decided the so after a complaint was lodged with the police against the logo terming it as offensive for women.

In December last year, one Naaz Patel associated with an NGO called Avesta Foundation had lodged a complaint with the Mumbai Cyber police alleging the Myntra logo to be ‘insulting’ and ‘offensive’ towards women. Naaz Patel had also taken to various social media sites to voice her dissent against the company’s logo. The NGO had also termed the logo as ‘abusive’.

 "Offensive Logo" Of Myntra

The report has quoted DCP Rashmi Karandikar, Cyber Crime Department of Mumbai police as saying: “We found that the logo was offensive in nature for women. Following the complaint, we sent an email to Myntra and their officials came and met us. The officials said they will change the logo in a month’s time.”

 Patel had demanded the removal of the logo by the Flipkart-owned e-commerce company and appropriate action against the firm.

Meanwhile, Myntra has in an email sent to Cyber police, reportedly confirmed that it will not only be revising its logo on their website, but it will also be doing the same for its app and for all the packaging material as well.


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