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Racism in cricket

Two Indian cricketers Mohammad Siraj and Jasprit Bumrah were racially taunted on Day 3 of the SCG Test and with this instance the game of cricket was once again spoiled by Racism.

This isn't the first time that racism is been in news. And it also seems that it became a counter strategy to cope up when a match is slipping through hands.

Ban of three test match was imposed on Harbhajan singh for calling Australian All rounder Andre Symmonds a monkey in 2008. The Aussies felt it was racial as Symmonds belonged to a different ethnic origin. Later India protested the decision vehemently in a much-publicised hearing. The offie was penalised 50 percent of his match fees but went onto play for India in the aftermath of the incident.

In an another incident England spinning all-rounder Moeen Ali was called 'Osama' by an unknown Australian cricketer during 2015 Ashes. Some of his colleagues were so enraged that they wanted to report the incident but they stopped short on Ali's insistence. Although the incident happened in 2015, Ali revealed this in his book three years later.  

In 2019, England's latest pace sensation was targeted on the final day of the first Test against New Zealand-- a country which is considered so peaceful that its cricket team would win the best-behaved award every year. But that's what Archer thought and realized how wrong he was until the spectator was banned from all domestic and international fixtures in New Zealand until 2022.




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